By Cha Rioflorido | May 22, 2020
Australia is one of the countries that managed to slow down the spread of COVID-19. The country is just starting to reopen its economy this month. Some states have reported no new active cases of the coronavirus and are confident of accelerating the lifting of the restrictions soon. However, the situation in Victoria is still far from fully recovering as new clusters were found in the state.
Manga Solutions developed a public dashboard using Power BI to advise the community against the identified high-risk areas and minimize the risk of acquiring and spreading the virus.
Press releases from the Victorian Health Department were manually put together and consolidated into an accessible and on-demand dashboard. We aim to ensure public awareness so that the community can take the necessary precautions.
Access the latest Coronavirus Exposure Sites dashboard here.
Stay informed, keep safe. For the latest detailed information visit the VIC HHS site: www.dhhs.vic.gov.au

Manga Solutions is an IT Consulting Services company based in Melbourne, Australia. We are data integration, analytics, and visualization specialists with well-established partnerships across multiple industries. We actively promote environmental change, health awareness, and social good.

By Cha Rioflorido | May 22, 2020
Coronavirus forced the world to a halt with many countries going into recession, prolonging a state of emergency, and shutting down factories. The impact of the pandemic created unchartered territories and uncertainties that will go beyond 2020.
On a positive note, it also brought the world closer to battle in unity against a common enemy. Experts from all over the world were called upon to help the medical research community manage all the available resources, document the threats and findings, and uncover insights that can answer high-priority scientific questions.
Manga Solutions Founder and Tech Lead, Mike Honey, integrated data on over 128,000 research papers related to Coronavirus COVID-19 and curated it into meaningful and manageable dashboards for the community to access here. His significant contributions vary from risk factors, clinical trial transmissions to AI-powered literature reviews. He also volunteers for the CoronaWhy initiative, where he leads a team of data visualization specialists.
Mike encourages everyone with the skills in text/data mining, data visualization tools such as Python and Microsoft Power BI, and artificial intelligence to get involved and sign-up for the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19) Challenge by Kaggle and Allen Institute for AI.
We are all in this together. Visit Mike’s LinkedIn post or CoronaWhy to learn how you can contribute to the welfare of the community.

Manga Solutions is an IT Consulting Services company based in Melbourne, Australia. We are data integration, analytics, and visualization specialists with well-established partnerships across multiple industries. We actively promote environmental change, health awareness, and social good.

By Cha Rioflorido | May 25, 2020
The coronavirus pandemic compelled companies to re-evaluate their digital initiatives and
fast-track their digital transformation. In the Healthcare sector alone, the crisis revealed much-needed reforms in handling crisis and enhancing preparedness. The need to be accessible through virtual care or telemedicine is becoming the new normal. Demand for AI-enabled medical devices and digital health and wellness services is expected to increase. Eventually, hospitals all over the world will shift to digital prescriptions and electronic medical records.
As people demand quality of care, the pressure of managing this wealth of information and disseminating on-demand and real-time data will also be as critical. AI and big data analytics will continue to play life-changing roles in improving operational efficiencies, introducing effective treatment strategies, ensuring transparency, and/or providing high-quality of care beyond the crisis.
Leveraging this asset through accurate and meaningful visualization/reporting may pre-empt another pandemic and, consequently, save lives.
Leading the Transformative Change
Manga Solutions has been at the forefront of advising the medical science community, through the support of Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, about the cutting edge technologies and best practices in data visualization.
In partnership with Mayo Clinic and The Society of Critical Care Medicine, Manga Solutions advises medical practitioners on data visualization tools, data architecture, and dashboard design implementation. It also provides a How To by Manga Solutions online training/e-learning content to support them in interpreting and using relevant visuals in diagnostic analytics such as the Key Influencer visual in Power BI.
“The current effort by the medical science community to collaborate and organize their data can allow them to finally take advantage of recent advances in low-code data visualization to analyse and collaborate at scale quickly. The initial efforts have been focused on recruiting hospitals and establishing data collection pipelines. Soon the project will focus more on (private) analysis for medical researchers and the member hospitals. We look forward to continuing to guide and advise that effort,” Mike Honey (Founder and Tech Lead).
Watch the How To by Manga Solutions: Diagnostic Analytics Demo/e-learning content here.
Stay informed, keep safe. Visit the VIRUS COVID-19 Registry of Current ICU and Hospital Care Patterns at https://sccmcovid19.org/.

Manga Solutions is an IT Consulting Services company based in Melbourne, Australia. We are data integration, analytics, and visualization specialists with well-established partnerships across multiple industries. We actively promote environmental change, health awareness, and social good.